Wednesday, November 26, 2014

BR 2-17: Taiko Master (Waring Rob, 2008)

"Another drummer also feels that taiko is about giving energy." (p.19.).

Actually, I had a lot of chances to listen taiko when I was a high school student. That high school which I went is famous for taiko club. That point is a only strong point of that school. When the school hold some special events, that club appeared in that events almost every time, so some people who came from outside of school enjoying taiko. However, I can't understand why these taiko performance loved by most people. That club performing same music so long time. Especially, when I attended an entrance ceremony, I was more of enjoyed than surprised. So, this book helps my understand for taiko very much. There are some reports of interviews, so I could feel harms of taiko.

When I reading this book, I had the feeling that taiko is great instruments. There are so many information about taiko and taiko players, however, actually these information aren't special for me. Maybe, most Japanese people might know these things because we had watched some TV programs which introducing Japanese cultures. Therefore, I didn't know that taiko used as guide of formation in the old days. That information was so interesting for me because I didn't enough imagine of taiko's history. At the same time, I had some questions of other example of taiko players. If I have chance to enjoy taiko, I want to listen these music more carefully that before.

Waring, Rob. (2008). Taiko Master
Boston, Massachusetts: Thomson Heinle

[234 words]

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